Hello Folks, I am the host of the Data Engineerin...
# announcements
Hello Folks, I am the host of the Data Engineering Podcast and Podcast.init, and I am working with O'Reilly on a new book that showcases the work and challenges of data engineers. I am collecting short essays (~400 - 500 words) from industry veterans and experts such as yourself that will be compiled into the final work. This project is a collection of pearls of wisdom collected from leading experts like you -- whether you are/have been a data engineer or you work closely with data engineers in your daily work. The collection will include multiple and varied perspectives on key topics, ideas, skills, and future-focused thoughts that data engineers should be aware of. We’re looking for articles on a wide range of topics: building pipelines, batch and stream processing, data privacy, data security, data governance and lineage, data storage, career advice, data team makeup and culture--and everything in between, from the granular issues to big-picture concepts. What are the challenges? How did you fail? What have you learned? When did the light bulb go off? What do you wish you knew when you started? Submissions are being accepted via the Google form found at boundlessnotions.com/97things, which also contains additional details and instructions. You can feel free to submit multiple articles, but please have them to me within the next 3 - 4 weeks so that we can be sure to hit our publishing deadline. You can find out more about the existing "97 Things Every Programmer Should Know" book here at https://www.safaribooksonline.com/library/view/97-things-every/9780596809515/ If you know anyone else who might be interested in participating then please pass this invitation along to your friends and colleagues as well. Thank you for your time and interest, and we look forward to learning from you!
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