I would love to hear your (especially the dagster ...
# random
I would love to hear your (especially the dagster team) perspective on the new "hot" topic, Data Contracts? 🙂 I see many similarities to SW-defined assets; you too?
I mean the concept of data contract, if that is similar or the same as what dagster see's as a data asset with SW-defined assets. Or if not, where that would fit in?
Hey Simon - this is something we've been discussing. I recently put together this plan for asset expectations, which I think looks a lot like what you're describing: https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/discussions/9543. You'd be able to apply a set of expectations to a data asset, which capture what you expect it to look like
❤️ 4
Hey Sandy, oh yes, that is amazing, thanks for sharing! Going to follow up on that 😍