Hello all, I had a question about a use case for d...
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Hello all, I had a question about a use case for dagster cloud? This may be too niche a scenario, but I noticed that containers are a deployment option for the agents. Is there any precedent or mechanism for having dagster cloud jobs trigger a stop/start of those containers the agents live on? This would save on a cloud bill for something that continues to accrue spend when the container is running like ACI on azure for instance.
Hi Andy, this isn’t currently possible. I’ll file an issue for it
hi @johann , thanks for doing that! Anyway i can be subscribed to notifications re: that issue? Is it on a public github repo?
We currently don’t have great public issue tracking for cloud work. I’ll… file a ticket for that
For your first question, I’ll also mention that the pricing model of Dagster Cloud Serverless (where you don’t need to host an agent, we run your jobs) is just based on step duration. So you don’t pay for idle time
Yes, however, we have customers that have requirements that their data never leave their tenants and only be accessible by compute that lives inside of their own cloud environments. they may also have static IP requirements for whitelisting traffic to certain vendors. This is why the hybrid model would be much more suitable.
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