Hi team, maybe this is not relevant so that is why...
# random
Hi team, maybe this is not relevant so that is why I am posting to this channel. I've noticed that the documentation for version 0.8.8 seems to be ranking so high in the Google index. When you search, for example, "deploy dagster to kubernetes" this is the link that shows up first https://docs.dagster.io/0.8.0/docs/deploying/k8s. I believe this may be misleading for newcomers who don't know what the most recent version of Dagster is.
👀 1
Cc: @sashank and @yuhan :-)
Hey Rubén! Great catch, this is definitely annoying. We’re actually migrating to a new docs site next week that will display a helpful banner whenever you’re on an old version of the docs site
👍 2