Hi, I created a tag for customizing the resources ...
# deployment-kubernetes
Hi, I created a tag for customizing the resources when a new pod spins up:
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        'dagster-k8s/config': {
            'container_config': {
                'resources': {
                    'requests': {'cpu': '4000m', 'memory': '19073Mi'},
                    'limits': {'cpu': '6000m', 'memory': '23841Mi'},
but I see that the pod which spins up failed after 4 min due to
and if I describe the pod I see this resources config:
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      cpu:     500m
      memory:  2560Mi
      cpu:     250m
      memory:  64Mi
do you know why it doesn’t work as expected?
(Hi, re: your followup comment, to set expectations about response latency - most of the core team is usually working during business hours PST-EST. We'll try to get to most questions within 24 hours, often but not always sooner) Did you set the tags on the Dagster job or on a Dagster op? If you're using the K8sRunLauncher, the tags would need to be on the Dagster job
it’s on ops
what do you mean on dagster job?
the example here includes tags on a Dagster op and tags on a Dagster job: https://docs.dagster.io/deployment/guides/kubernetes/customizing-your-deployment#job-or-op-kubernetes-configuration Putting tags on an op will only change things if you're using something that runs each op in its own Kubernetes pod, like the k8s_job_executor. If you want the resource limits to apply to the whole run, it needs to go on the Dagster job like in the @job decorator in that example in the docs
ohh ok
so the resources under job() is necessary
so why do I need the resources on the ops
you don't need them on the ops unless you're using the k8s_job_executor. we'll update the docs there to be more clear
so on my case I need just on the job?
Exactly yeah
I need to move the same tag to job?
just like in the example I posted, yeah
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  tags = {
    'dagster-k8s/config': {
      'container_config': {
        'resources': {
          'requests': { 'cpu': '200m', 'memory': '32Mi' },
but there is no limits
how does it make sense
You can put limits there too - put exactly the tags you were using before, but on the job instead of the op
ok got it
thank you!
condagster 1
ok it doesn’t work for job as well… @daniel
Is the tag being applied to the run?
what tag?
The dagster-k8s/config tag that you applied to the dagster job
it’s working cause I already have under the tag
which already works
but the resources section still not
Can you check that the tag isn't somehow getting overridden in the launchpad? I've seen an issue once in a while that we are working on fixing where I needed to edit the tags for the run in the launchpad to get a new tag to stick
I had to go in and edit the tags (to remove the previous value) using this dialog to get my new tag change to actually be applied
(from the same team as Eldan) is there a way to view the full tags assigned to a job? we clearly have some tags from the definition but cant see the complete values
That dialog I posted just above has them (from the "Add tags"/"Edit tags" button in the launchpad) - there's a "Tags from definition" section and a custom tags section
and then previously launched runs should have all the tags listed in the runs list
specifically k8s tags dont show up well and cant be expanded, so i cant be sure whats there
yeah, that's good feedback that i'll pass along. It does look like your resource limits are being applied though, so I would expect them to be applied to the kubernetes pod for the Dagster job
@daniel ok after many changes now I can change the resources, but the job is still failed with status
after a few mins. the describe shows:
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Warning  FailedMount  44s (x2 over 44s)  kubelet            MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "dagster-instance" : object "default"/"dagster-instance" not registered
  Warning  FailedMount  44s (x2 over 44s)  kubelet            MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "kube-api-access-6jc7c" : object "default"/"kube-root-ca.crt" not registered
can you guide me what can be the issue here?
I have a lot more expertise with the dagster-specific parts of the equation here (i.e. debugging why config isn't being set on the resulting k8s resources when it's set in dagster) than I do with how k8s responds to the pod configuration once it's set the way you expect