When dagster runs on ECS, does it get the containe...
# deployment-ecs
When dagster runs on ECS, does it get the container definitions from
or from
I see that there is a variable that is being inherited from dagsterdaemon 🤔 (or at least it looks like it)
It infers some of its container definitions from wherever the run is being launched - typically that’s dagster daemon (like if it’s a schedule or sensor) or sometimes dagit (like if you’re launching from the UI).
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Is there an easy way to configure environment variables? 🤔
I mean - for the new ecs task that spins up, not for the dagsterdaemon task itself. I would love to override a variable that is sent to datadog to be able to distinguish logs from the dagsterdaemon task from the one that is, in fact, running the code.
Yup - added recently actually: https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/blob/master/CHANGES.md#new-1 You can either add it to all runs by configuring it where you configure your user code launcher in your dagster.yaml Or you can add it to runs for a certain user code server via: https://docs.dagster.io/_apidocs/cli#cmdoption-dagster-api-grpc-container-context Here’s the actual change - there are some examples in the tests although we could admittedly do a better job of documenting this in our docs.
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@Dagster Bot docs “Add docs examples for configuring ECS env vars”