Is there some way to go from a Dagster run to the ...
# deployment-ecs
Is there some way to go from a Dagster run to the associated cloudwatch metrics? I can’t seem to find anything in cloud watch with the associated run or job ID
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they don't really provide a direct way to do it, but the task ARN gets printed as an ENGINE_EVENT at the beginning of each run launched with the EcsRunLauncher, so you should be able to use that to find cloudwatch logs and metrics
I can’t find the task ARN in my cloudwatch metrics — do I need to configure something on my ECS instance to ensure it’s logging things appropriately?
ah okay yeah cloudwatch metrics kinda sucks for ECS, I don't think you can get task-level metrics from the main cloudwatch metrics. do you have container insights enabled on your cluster?
Ah so it’s an AWS limitation… I didn’t have container insights, but will enable them and see if that helps
yeah container insights seems to be how they get you to pay more for marginally more granular metrics around containers launched on ECS, I still have trouble finding much useful information through container insights though. I've had a lot better luck with Datadog
someone else might be able to chime in with more knowledge though
This has been super helpful, thanks @Zach!
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