Not a huge problem in the scheme of things but the...
# dagster-feedback
Not a huge problem in the scheme of things but the job with the red bar here failed just one out the 82 runs in this 6 hour period. Massive red bar just seems a bit excessive?
cc @dish for visibility
👍 1
Thanks, Claire
Thanks for the feedback @Ben Gatewood
All good. Like I said, not a major thing but I do have to explain to my boss why the dagster screen is all red 🤣
Same thing happened to me. The huge bar then tuned blue when a new run has started.
The timeline will currently identify visually overlapping runs, batch them, and choose a color based on the status of the runs in the grouping, where failures and in-progress runs take priority for the color. This can work pretty well in many cases, but certainly not all cases (like these). We’ve been discussing some ways to try to make it better. :)
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