What I mean particularly, is that some of the alte...
# ask-community
What I mean particularly, is that some of the alternatives don't seem to link up: These assets are partitioned on a static list of values and, as best I can tell from the docs, the only way to set up a partitioned asset is via the
argument to the
decorator. If I want to add metadata to a materialisation, the docs only mention how to do it via an
based asset or from a custom IO manager. So I could make them an
in a graph-backed asset maybe? But I can't see any docs on how to partition graph-backed assets? (I know you can actually because I went digging in the source for
but it's not at all clear from the docs)
I know that one way you can log metadata is via the
method, which will log whatever is in the dict to the AssetMaterialization event that running the asset produces. I'm not sure how this plays with partitions yet.
Copy code
def my_asset(context):
    context.add_output_metadata({"how_cool": "so_cool"})
    return [1, 2, 3]
Also, my understanding is that all assets are "op-backed" assets. Under the hood, @asset is basically an @op with superpowers
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Hi Ben! In addition to what Stephen mentioned, you can also add metadata to an asset materialization by doing something like this:
Copy code
yield Output(5, metadata={"my_metadata": 5})
I can file a ticket to document partitioning graph-backed assets
@Dagster Bot docs no documentation for partitioned graph-backed assets
@Dagster Bot docs missing documentation for attaching metadata to asset materialization
Thanks Stephen and Claire! To be clear, I don't think any actual functionality is missing here but I found myself chasing my tail a bit through the docs on this one
Definitely--thanks Ben for reporting these gaps. Docs improvements are important to us and we definitely want to improve our coverage. Please feel free to report future questions / docs issues!
Yup will do. Overall, I think they're already really good btw. I don't normally have to spend very much time in there to find what I need
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