Is there a way to have dagster ignore an asset-bas...
# ask-community
Is there a way to have dagster ignore an asset-based-job without any assets, instead of raising an error?
hi @Huib Keemink! What's the use case here? There's no built in way to stop that error from occurring, but it's possible that there could be a workaround depending on what you're trying to do
Yeah, it’s probably not the cleanest - I’m building the asset graph for Airbyte by querying the API and listing the connections. On databricks I can not access Airbyte due to firewall rules. Unfortunately there’s nothing I can return that will keep dagster happy. I have “fixed” it by wrapping the airbyte repo with an
statement, but that’s far from ideal. A better fix on my side would be to have the airbyte definition in a file in the repo, with a script that can refresh it from the airbyte API when something changes. Is there any boilerplate code for this?
I see, that makes sense. There's no boilerplate code here, so for now the easiest thing might just be to convert the info you get from the airbyte API to/from a json file. We definitely want to provide more out of the box support for these sorts of use cases in the future