I have a graph with 2 ops that are being launched ...
# ask-community
I have a graph with 2 ops that are being launched via
. the second op takes one of the outputs (
) of the first op as an input. it fails when starting the second op
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dagster.core.errors.DagsterExecutionLoadInputError: Error occurred while loading input "model_path" of step "prediction_op":
The above exception was caused by the following exception:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/opt/dagster/dagster_home/storage/ebc695a2-524b-4781-8e9b-9402880c6a49/training_op/model_path'
I don’t understand why it’s referring to `/opt/dagster/dagster_home/storage/ebc695a2-524b-4781-8e9b-9402880c6a49/training_op/model_path`…
should just be a string (a location in gcloud). is there anything I have to define in my
Seems like you are not using a gcs IO manager. The string looks like a local filesystem path.
thanks! i’m probably just using the default. so far I haven’t used
so all my jobs ever ran in one pod. now it’s different I guess, let me take a look at the gcs IO manager you mentioned
You can set up GCS IO manager to enable cross-node data passing: https://docs.dagster.io/deployment/guides/gcp#using-gcs-for-io-management
thanks, that seems to be working now!
blob thumbs up 1
there is one thing I don’t understand though: so when I run the pipeline I can see that a
pod is created, which then in turn launches every op in a separate
pod. Why is there a need to write the outputs to gcloud using the gcs IO manager. couldn’t they just be written to the local filesystem of the
Great question. Each step will be executed within its own ephemeral kubernetes pod, and outputs will be written to the local filesystem of
dagster-step …
instead of
dagster-run …
. I believe the
dagster-run …
pod is crated by the RunLauncher per Dagster job run (K8sRunLauncher) which is separate from your user code (i.e. executor) Here’s the architecture diagram of Dagster deployment: https://docs.dagster.io/deployment/overview#architecture, where Executor is responsible for running user code (ops, assets, jobs, etc), while Run Launcher handles the orchestration.