I created a sensor which should alert us on 1 of 2...
# ask-community
I created a sensor which should alert us on 1 of 2 slack channels (depending on whether we’re on prd or dev environment). this is where I defined the sensor
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slack_failure_sensor = make_slack_on_run_failure_sensor(
I checked that the daemon has those 2 environment variables set, here is the slack channel. I’m omitting the slack token of course, but it is set as well.
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>>> import os
>>> print(f"#dagster-notifications-{os.getenv('RUNTIME_ENVIRONMENT')}")
When a pipeline fails I’m getting this error:
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slack_sdk.errors.SlackApiError: The request to the Slack API failed. (url: <https://www.slack.com/api/chat.postMessage>)
The server responded with: {'ok': False, 'error': 'channel_not_found'}
any idea where I’m going wrong here? our slack has the channel `dagster-notifications-prd`I should also say that it works when I run it locally (run dagster & dagit & daemon on my laptop & make a job fail -> it posts on our slack)
I ssh’d into the daemon and managed to send a slack message in a python shell with
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from slack_sdk.web.client import WebClient
slack_client = WebClient(token=os.getenv("DAGSTER_SLACK_TOKEN"))
slack_client.chat_postMessage(channel=f"#dagster-notifications-{os.getenv('RUNTIME_ENVIRONMENT')}", blocks=[], text="asd")
but before I was able to that I had to pip install
on the daemon. I wasn’t able to import
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from slack_sdk.web.client import WebClient
I think that means that my daemon isn’t running the correct image. I didn’t set it explicitly so I’m guessing it’s just running the image
. is there an image that has all dagster dependencies (including
) installed?
I couldn’t find one on docker hub. is it intentional that
isn’t part of the docker image or should that be added?
Hi, is this in kubernetes or some other environment where you are building your code in an image? The daemon doesn't run your code directly - you would want to add dagster-slack to the image that you build your code in
(sensor code runs in your user code deployment)
the image is build in Google Cloud Build whenever we push to master. hmm, but then I don’t know what’s wrong.. because the image that’s running in
the error you posted looks like something on the slack API side, rather than dagster-slack not being installed
oh I see, I think
might actually be missing my
environment variable. sorry thought that had to be set in the daemon
I’ll try if this fixes it! thanks
condagster 1