Hey, is there a way to format a link in the <conte...
# ask-community
Hey, is there a way to format a link in the context.log.info(), so that it is a proper clickable hyper link?
🤖 1
dagster bot responded by community 2
It doesn't seem possible currently with
, this is the workaround I've been using: https://dagster.slack.com/archives/C01U954MEER/p1649869900227799?thread_ts=1649847231.465009&amp;cid=C01U954MEER
great. Thats exactly whyt I want to do - show a link to a cloudwatch stream from a launched ECS task 😄
🤣 1
@Zach looks like you are triggering ECS tasks von dagster. Any chance that you have the code publically available? Because I am doing the same thing right now.