Is it possible to see historic definitions of asse...
# ask-community
Is it possible to see historic definitions of assets in the Dagster UI? Specifically thinking of the DBT integration where they're just SQL files. Appreciate that could be too large an overlap in responsibility with git. If it's not possible, could anyone let me know a simple way to get the git branch and commit into dagster? I think that would be a really nice bit of built in functionality (using git). E.g. provide GIT_BRANCH, and GIT_COMMIT as environment variables and then corresponding documentation on dagster.
dagster bot responded by community 2
🤖 1
Can you use a key-value pair along with an
call to populate the git branch? also seems like you could push the sql definition in as well, but not really what the ui is designed for
Ah good point, probably could.
Any ideas on how I could edit all assets to always yield a few datapoints?
🤔 1
Could probably find a way to be able to click through to the branch and commit in git to view the SQL file. Edit: GitHub not git*
i just started using post-hooks to push metrics to datadog... if the asset metadata is available in the op config, maybe that would work?