My sensors are getting an error: DagsterUserCodeU...
# ask-community
My sensors are getting an error: DagsterUserCodeUnreachableError: Could not reached user code server
Restarting dagit and the daemons fixes the issue for a short time, but then it starts happening again. Any idea what could be going on?
do you have any more logging you can share? logs from the daemon would be especially helpful
When I run the daemons interactively I don't get any errors, but when I run them as a service (same user and everything) I do. Unfortunately, when I run it as a service I don't get the logs anymore
Could you say more about how you're running them as a service?
Is this using e.g. supervisord, something else?
just systemd running the commands that I would run as a user
I think it is possible to get logs from processes that are run using systemd - would something like journaltcl work?
without the logs I think it's going to be tricky to figure out what the problem is
The issue is that the way I am spawning the service is that that logs only hold the "starting .." messages
not all of the followon messages
Got it - I think we're going to need to find a way to get those logs though in order for us to be useful
I'll figure it out, thank you
(the logging issue)
Same error here, Is there any update?
Hey Saul - this is probably worth a new post with some more details about how and where you're seeing this. If you have a full stack trace that would be the most useful