<@U01EK4V7BM4> Hi, I think you worked on the sidec...
# ask-community
@jordan Hi, I think you worked on the sidecar container recently. Since we updated to 0.14.3 our runs stopped working, while our deployment scripts did not change. Each run fails with:
botocore.errorfactory.ClientException: An error occurred (ClientException) when calling the RegisterTaskDefinition operation: Cannot depend on container + 'daemon-sidecar' because it does not exist
Could it be an issue due to the new version?
I believe sidecars should be supported again in 0.14.5: see this conversation for details https://dagster.slack.com/archives/C014UDS8LAV/p1646422692174519
They mentioned that they were able to leverage the new changes here: https://dagster.slack.com/archives/C01U5LFUZJS/p1647634842882609
Thanks, I just upped the version to the latest, I'm waiting for the drone build to finish, and then we'll know :)
I think there is a new use_sidecars flag under the run launcher in the dagster.yaml that you can opt into now
Switching to the latest version fixed it!
🎉 1