*How I can pass resources to my scheduler without...
# ask-community
*How I can pass resources to my scheduler without there being a compilation error?*(Screenshot #1) . I'm trying to pass in this config to my scheduler, the same ones I use in the launchpad in dagit: resources: file_manager: config: s3_bucket: s3-pipeline io_manager: config: s3_bucket: s3-pipeline My schedule is defined like this:
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def get_schedules_from_config(schedule_config):
    schedule_list = []
    for pipeline_name in schedule_config:
        schedule = ScheduleDefinition(cron_schedule=schedule_config[pipeline_name], pipeline_name=pipeline_name,
                                      run_config={"resources": [{"file_manager": {"config": {"s3_bucket": "s3-pipeline"}}},
                                                  {"io_manager": {"config": {"s3_bucket": "s3-pipeline @"}}}]},
    return schedule_list
I get an error like: Error 1: Value at path root:resources must be dict. Expected: "{ file_manager: { config: { endpoint_url?: (String | { env: String }) max_attempts?: Int profile_name?: String region_name?: String s3_bucket: (String | { env: String }) s3_prefix?: (String | { env: String }) use_unsigned_session?: Bool } } io_manager: { config: { s3_bucket: (String | { env: String }) s3_prefix?: (String | { env: String }) } } postgres_connection?: { config?: Any } s3?: { config?: { endpoint_url?: (String | { env: String }) max_attempts?: Int profile_name?: String region_name?: String use_unsigned_session?: Bool } } }". (Screenshot #2) Ok, it is expecting a dictionary, not a list of dictionaries. However, when I try to pass in the resources like this:
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run_config={"resources": {"file_manager": {"config": {"s3_bucket": "s3-pipeline"}}},
            "io_manager": {"config": {"s3_bucket": "s3-pipeline"}}}
I get an error like this (Screenshot #3): dagster.core.errors.DagsterInvalidConfigError: Error in config for pipeline Error 1: Received unexpected config entry "io_manager" at the root. Expected: "{ execution?: Thanks for the help.
hi @Jay Sharma this looks like an issue w/ the bracketing. I believe you want:
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    "resources": {
        "file_manager": {
            "config": {"s3_bucket": "s3-pipeline"}
         "io_manager": {
             "config": {"s3_bucket": "s3-pipeline"}
(with the config you shared, "io_manager" and "resources" were at the same level)
@owen thanks for the help. it was an issue with the bracketing.