I'm upgrading my pipelines over to jobs. How do I ...
# ask-community
I'm upgrading my pipelines over to jobs. How do I define my pipeline mode_defs within a job?
Hi Nate, we have a guide that describes this migration from pipelines to jobs. https://docs.dagster.io/guides/dagster/graph_job_op#a-pipeline-with-prod-and-dev-modes
Thanks. I read this guide yesterday. This example still shows a pipeline with mode_defs, then goes on to mention creating different jobs, but I was trying to keep it together in one job and one repository. This morning, I've learned multiple jobs in one repo causes an error. I'll keep working at it.
I think you’ll just need to have explicit names for your jobs so that the names don’t conflict. cc @owen @chris
to expand on that a bit, you do need to separate each mode into its own job (assuming the different modes have different resources defined on them), but as rex notes you can include each of these jobs in the same repository as long as they have different names.
Thanks again, owen and rex.