Hi all, what is the best way to setup Dagster for ...
# ask-community
Hi all, what is the best way to setup Dagster for multi-tenants use case? To be easier to understand, let looks at this example. We have 3 tenants: Tenant1, Tenant2 Tenant3 We have this DAG : opA -> opB -> opC opA -> opD -> opE We want to use this same DAG for all 3 tenants, but with different configuration for each tenant. Then I want the Dagit UI to show the jobs like this: Tenant1_DAG: … Tenant2_DAG: … Tenant3_DAG: … I hope that is clear enough. Can we do things like this example?
Hi @Son Giang! If I understand your use case correctly, I believe you should be able to make a graph of your three ops, then create multiple jobs from that graph using the
function. You can pass unique resource config and run config to the
function. In Dagit, the jobs will get the names you provide to them in
. So your code might look something like
Copy code
def my_graph():

tenant1_dag = my_graph.to_job(resource_defs, run_config, ...)
tenant2_dag = my_graph.to_job(resource_defs, run_config, ...)
tenant3_dag = my_graph.to_job(resource_defs, run_config, ...)
In dagit you should see three jobs
https://docs.dagster.io/concepts/ops-jobs-graphs/jobs-graphs#from-a-graph https://docs.dagster.io/_apidocs/graphs#dagster.GraphDefinition.to_job
👍 1
Hi @jamie, thank you for the help, that’s what I need. However, can you tell me what is the best practice for loading configuration from database and use that for creating job? Should it be defined in
in jobs folder? And can it be reused from resource/config inside the op/job? Like I have a database connection that contains both the configuration to create a job and the run config of a job.