hi all, I've seen in docs about deploying a User r...
# ask-community
hi all, I've seen in docs about deploying a User repo (jobs) as a Docker image... but is that the only way? isn't it possible to use as a User repo a GitHub or ADO Git repo? is there an example of such configuration of Git repo with jobs provided for deployed Dagster+Dagit??
Hi Dimka - we don't have a deep GitHub integration that works in this way currently - you can certainly checkout a github repo and reference a file from that checkout in your workspace.yaml, but I imagine you'll looking for something with less manual effort. If you don't mind, could you share a bit more about what kind of configuration you're imagining you would need to set for this / are there are any other features in other systems that you're specifically thinking of when you mention this?
hi Daniel, I thought about deploying Dagster/Dagit instances with Helm or maybe with Terraform into the cloud (most obviously Azure) and then creating an ADO Git repo with jobs for Dagster and somehow binding it to instances... I understand that there is no deep integration still and that's why searching for ideas and examples... perhaps I can create some ADO pipeline associated with the Jobs repo that will publish its contains (triggered by changes) into some Azure file share and this file share is much simpler to bind to instances for running jobs? or it's better to consider automatic building and publishing a Docker image from the Jobs repo (also triggered by changes to it) and using this image for deployed instances?
anyway, Dagster need some more GitOps ideas to integrate in the future, I guess 😃
Yeah it's a great question. The latter is definitely more what we have focused on so far (automatically building and pushing an image on each Github change). That has a number of nice advantages like plugging in cleanly into container-based systems like ECS and kubernetes. The demo video here demonstrates that with a Github action: https://dagster.io/cloud it's from our cloud product but a similar flow is absolutely possible with the open-source dagster product as well.