Hello everyone, We're free trialing Dagster Server...
# dagster-serverless
Hello everyone, We're free trialing Dagster Serverless Cloud version. We used the
github repository proposed by Dagster, but now we would like to connect Dagster with another github repository. I looked in the UI but I did not find how to change repos. Do you know how we can do that? @Stéfanny Robert
Hello - we don’t yet have a method to set up additional repos in the UI, but you can copy over the GitHub actions from your existing repo (or our template repo https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster-cloud-serverless-quickstart/) if you’d like to instead push from a different repository
Thanks @ben for answering, We were wondering if, since we are in free trial, it would possible to re-init the Cloud setup with another github project? The starter pack repo we used is in @Stéfanny Robert github space and we would like to start using a repo owned by our organization (Akeneo) instead.
Yes, I can go ahead and reset the setup steps for your instance if you would like
Yes please, and thanks!
What is the Dagster Cloud organization URL?
I’ve gone ahead and reset the getting started page, so you should be able to connect your other repository now
Hello @ben, We've got another question. We had deployed the dagster_starter_pack Dagster Serverless Cloud service with a personal Github account, which, being public, allowed Github Actions. We had no problems whatsoever. Afterwards, we tried to integrate Dagster Cloud with a private repository owned by our organization, which does not include Github Actions in its price model and won't do it in the near future. Since Github Actions are not integrated, we did not succeeded in integrating Dagster with our private Github repo. Is there a way of deploying Dagster Cloud in Github without Github Actions? Any recommendation to get over this problem? Thank you in advance for your answers!!! @Stéfanny Robert
Hello - it is possible to deploy Dagster Cloud using other CI/build tools using our CLI. Does your organization use another tool (BuildKite, CircleCI, etc) for CI/CD purposes? We could help you through setting this up if so.