Interesting bug with asset staleness. I’m noticing...
# dagster-feedback
Interesting bug with asset staleness. I’m noticing after upgrading to 1.1.7 that some assets in the asset graph are showing as stale despite only having run once and having materialized in the right sequence, as I checked the run logs to make sure. The
events were emitted a few miliseconds from each other, but in the correct order. It’s also showing differently in the job view in dagit vs. the asset group view. See both screenshots for comparison. The latter is especially surprising as the source asset was materialized 2 minutes before the first asset in the graph. Inspecting each asset individually, all of them show as stale in their asset pages. No
are configured.
cc @owen
quick update - our UI team is taking a look at this
Happy to provide more information if needed Jamie! I’m not gonna be around too much over the next two weeks so my responses might be a little delayed, but do ping me if you need anything. It’s convenient that I can be 90% sure the jobs won’t be running as they’re only triggered ad-hoc, meaning this state won’t change for a while 🙂
Quick update on this after running the materializations again: they now show up correctly in the asset graph (the two stale ones in the left are green) but not in the job view and asset details; these are still shown as stale.
quick question -- what version of dagster are you running at the moment?
@owen i can’t tell when the behavior started exactly, but i noticed it after the upgrade to 1.1.7
great thanks! gonna cc @sean for this one, as the fact that the behavior is different between the job view and the asset graph view definitely seems to indicate something in the graphql resolver