Hi, I'm pretty new to dagster. Im deploying dagste...
# ask-community
Hi, I'm pretty new to dagster. Im deploying dagster via Azure/jfrog-artifactory to Openshift. Under helm i can see dagster(values.yml) and another dagster-user-deployment (value.yml). Since I want to user code seperated from daemon/dagit i have made enableSubchart: false and workspace:true in dagster(value.yml). Please suggest what else is required to have user code as seperate so i can add repos from my local and it doesn't trigger the deamon/dagit everytime i trigger the user code alone..🙂
Hi Vinu, we have a quick guide on this here: https://docs.dagster.io/deployment/guides/kubernetes/customizing-your-deployment#separately-deploying-dagster-infrastructure-and-user-code The last step is to manage the code server deployments in their own release.
Hi Rex, yes I followed this document for disabling the subchart and enabling workspace in dagster (values.yml). So when you say manage code server deployment in its own release, does that mean i should deploy run a pipeline to deploy user code with dagster-user-deployment (values.yml) ?