Hey newbie here, is there an equivalent concept to...
# ask-community
Hey newbie here, is there an equivalent concept to airflow’s operators in dagster? I have a bunch of dockerized applications that run in ECS. Currently airflow triggers runs for these in ECS using the ECSOperator. What’s the best way to go about this in dagster? Would I create an
to trigger an ECS task and another to poll for completion? Is this something that already exists or do I need to “roll my own”?
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We have a guide for people coming from Airflow! https://docs.dagster.io/integrations/airflow/from-airflow-to-dagster The equivalent concept for an Airflow operator is a Dagster
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if you have any other questions re: airflow -> Dagster, def ask in #dagster-airflow
Will do, thanks!