Hi everyone, very new to Dagster and trying to con...
# integration-dbt
Hi everyone, very new to Dagster and trying to conceptualize how I might setup the v0 dagster <> dbt integration. All the examples I can find have the project in the same repo as the Dagster code. Is it possible to have the dbt project in its own repository? I was imagining having a dbt repo that builds + pushes image to aws ECR, then a dagster job that fetches latest image and runs
dbt run
This is certainly possible! Different from what you outlined, but these two repos show an example of having dagster and dbt separate, but then combining them during dagster deployment into a single image https://github.com/slopp/dbtproj https://github.com/slopp/dagsterproj The benefit of combining them is it allows you to use the asset abstraction instead of having to rely the op/job abstraction plus a custom wrapper that invokes dbt run in a separate image
👍 2
daggy love 1
Thanks Sean, will take a look!