Team, currently if i need to add any new user-code...
# deployment-kubernetes
Team, currently if i need to add any new user-code-deployment, i am updating both the values.yaml & workspace.yaml and applying helm upgrade (dagster==0.14.15). Due to which both the dagster daemon, dagit are restarting (adding init containers for user-code lookup). So Is there any way i can segregate dagster daemon/ dagit from user-code deployment using helm? So that my already triggered user-code deployment using graphql queries will not fail (It should not affect already running user-code)?
Hi Sundara - this isn’t currently possible but is something we’d like to improve in the future. There’s a feature request here that tracks a potential solution that would enable this:
So daniel, is it mandatory to update both the dagster & user-code deployment ?
As per this documentation, it looks like it is possible to segregate ( Am i missing anything?
When you add a new location then both charts need to be updated, but when a location is updated then you only need to update the user code chart
So I need to updated both the charts even if i update already existing repo. Is the statement correct?
No, when you update an existing location then you only need to update the user code chart
It’s when you add or remove a user code deployment that you need to update both charts
Okay. Just to for my understanding how does the dagster daemon pick up the existing location change (only user code deployment update) without the helm upgrade?
The code runs in a separate service that’s controlled by the user code helm chart and accessed by the daemon over a gRPC interface
Okay. So whether we add / remove the user-code we need to add the init contianer in dagster daemon & dagit. so it can access the code using grpc. As currently there is no service discovery currently available in dagster daemon & dagit.
👍 1
There’s a configmap that needs to be updated - but generally that’s correct