Hey guys! Nice to meet you! I’m Juan, from Messari...
# dagster-feedback
Hey guys! Nice to meet you! I’m Juan, from Messari. I work with @Alex Kan. I wanted to ask and suggest a couple of things: • 1- I don’t know if you are aware, but if you name an asset ‘overview,.’ The UI breaks. • 2- Something that would be amazing is if we could order by or filter the job on the overview page by the status. For example, if they fail. • And 3th this is more like a stupid question. Are all the assets imported multiple times when you run a dag?
❤️ 1
👋 1
Hi Juan, for your first point, could you provide some more details about how the UI breaks when your asset is named this way?
I can try to replicate it. This happened to me in an older version. Maybe it’s fixed now. I should say it right away, but I got caught on migrations. Let me see if I can replicate it.
Is when clicking the asset
OK. I am running
Ohhhhh…. you are right.
Can you describe what exactly breaks?
If you name the asset that way, then click on it in the asset graph you are presented with a blank screen.
What is the URL for that page that loads blank?
May take, is that the name of the assets converts into the path endpoint
is a subpath in some places, so that might be the issue here
I just want to make sure I’m looking in the right place
Let me recreate it
Here its is @dish
Do you want me to open an Issue?
If you wouldn’t mind opening an issue that would be great! This is very helpful, thanks. Definitely a bad URL there.