Backfilling assets that have a self dependency app...
# dagster-feedback
Backfilling assets that have a self dependency appears to have additional overheard. I couldn't pin point exactly what was going on, but seems like there is some lag between queuing the run and then the run starting that adds to existing overhead. I had no other jobs/tasks running when testing this. I tested with a single asset:
Copy code
    partitions_def=HourlyPartitionsDefinition(start_date="2023-01-01-00:00", timezone=DEFAULT_TIMEZONE),
        "hourly_depends_on_past": AssetIn(
            partition_mapping=TimeWindowPartitionMapping(start_offset=-1, end_offset=-1)
def hourly_depends_on_past(hourly_depends_on_past):
    return 1
And backfilled 10 partitions at a time. In theory I would expect this to finish locally with no K8s overhead extremely quickly (maybe < 90 secs), but in reality this took closer to 5.5 minutes. What's interesting is that each individual OP only took ~6.5 seconds
When you say you backfilled 10 partitions at a time, how did you kick these off? Did you do this manually by clicking the Materialize button in Dagit?
And are you saying it takes 5.5 minutes to backfill 10 partitions?
Hey Sandy - I kicked off a backfill for 10 partitions using the "materialize selected..." button. And yeah, it took 5.5 minutes for the backfill to complete
got it - will investigate
🙏 1
Ok I discovered the issue and have a fix in mind: I don't think it will make it into this week's release, but should make it into next week's release.
Thanks for reporting this
No rush, thanks for taking a look