Hello, I have a question/request for `class MultiP...
# ask-community
Hello, I have a question/request for
class MultiPartitionsDefinition(PartitionsDefinition)
in 🧵
Is there a way to set the order or the partitions? Right now I see it’s sorted:
Copy code
self._partitions_defs: List[PartitionDimensionDefinition] = sorted(
                PartitionDimensionDefinition(name, partitions_def)
                for name, partitions_def in partitions_defs.items()
            key=lambda x: x.name,
I want to be able to use something like
instead of forcing alphabetical order.
cc @claire
Hi Jeff, unfortunately not. We use the alphabetical ordering to enforce that the serialized partition keys e.g.
remain in the same format no matter the provided order of the partition dimensions. Out of curiosity, what's the reason you'd like to set the order of the partitions?
I’m using a partition mapping to get upstream assets. Since the order
may not be the same order as specified in the
this is a bit annoying. I think allowing
to specify the order would be helpful. Additionally, when specifying the partition for runs, I have date as one partition and some category for the other partition (this category varies between jobs/assets). To I would like to have date always be the second partition as this keeps it consistent between jobs/assets and allows for a logical ordering of partitions based on scope/importance.
Part of the issue is that
is passed a string as the partition for
, if this was a dict or some sort of partition object, this would be more clear. Right now I have to parse the string and getting the keys by position is not the cleanest.
Hm... so I think the string object in the partition key range is actually a
object (which subclasses string). There should be a
field which should return a mapping from dimension name -> partition key for that dimension
Thanks, I’ll look into that. I think this resolves most of the issues I have. I guess the only thing left that I can think of is that for selecting the partition in dagit, the user may want some way to specify the order of the partitions to maintain consistency between assets/jobs. This is more of a QOL thing though.
Definitely--we could think of some way to select an ordering of partitions in the multidimensional view
ty spinny 1