Hi Dagster folks! We’re evaluating orchestration p...
# dagster-plus
Hi Dagster folks! We’re evaluating orchestration platforms right now. While many of us use Python, some of our users need to code operations in C++ and would like to build them within a Docker container. Is there a good way to do this in the Dagster ecosystem?
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Hey MIchael - do you know yet where you would be running your Dagster agent? (K8s/ECS/serverless/etc.)
That's what I was hoping you'd say - we have a
that lets you run an arbitrary Docker container as a Dagster op: https://docs.dagster.io/_apidocs/libraries/dagster-k8s#ops
(somewhat analogous to the KubernetesPodOperator in airflow if you've used that before)
Thanks, we’ll take a look!
Out of curiosity, what’s the best way to go about doing this in dagster serverless? We don’t have anything right now, but are scoping out something that may land here ~Q2.
We don't have support in Serverless for launching arbitrary containers/tasks right now unfortunately - eventually we may, but in the short term we would probably steer a user towards hybrid deployment for that use case
👍 2
I'm on the same boat! We're mostly python but have some workloads in Docker. Would it be possible to run things like https://cloud.google.com/batch/ jobs from Serverless?
You could absolutely kick off a job like that from within a dagster op, yeah - as long as they have an api that can be invoked from Python