Hey Dagster support, I'm trying to enable run_moni...
# ask-community
Hey Dagster support, I'm trying to enable run_monitoring for my deployment and keep getting an issue with deploying. Is run_k8s_config just not compatible with run_monitoring?
Copy code
dagster._core.errors.DagsterInvalidConfigError: Errors whilst loading configuration for {'job_image': Field(<dagster._config.config_type.Noneable object at 0x7fd71db2b910>, default=@, is_required=False), 'image_pull_policy': Field(<dagster._config.config_type.Noneable object at 0x7fd71c6cfb10>, default=@, is_required=False), 'image_pull_secrets': Field(<dagster._config.config_type.Noneable object at 0x7fd71c6cf0d0>, default=@, is_required=False), 'service_account_name': Field(<dagster._config.config_type.Noneable object at 0x7fd71c606110>, default=@, is_required=False), 'env_config_maps': Field(<dagster._config.config_type.Noneable object at 0x7fd71c6062d0>, default=@, is_required=False), 'env_secrets': Field(<dagster._config.config_type.Noneable object at 0x7fd71c606090>, default=@, is_required=False), 'env_vars': Field(<dagster._config.config_type.Noneable object at 0x7fd71c606690>, default=@, is_required=False), 'volume_mounts': Field(<dagster._config.config_type.Array object at 0x7fd71c606450>, default=[], is_required=False), 'volumes': Field(<dagster._config.config_type.Array object at 0x7fd71c606590>, default=[], is_required=False), 'labels': Field(<dagster._config.field_utils.Permissive object at 0x7fd7244cc090>, default=@, is_required=False), 'resources': Field(<dagster._config.config_type.Noneable object at 0x7fd71c606650>, default=@, is_required=False), 'scheduler_name': Field(<dagster._config.config_type.Noneable object at 0x7fd71c606410>, default=@, is_required=False), 'instance_config_map': Field(<dagster._config.source.StringSourceType object at 0x7fd722fc0150>, default=@, is_required=True), 'postgres_password_secret': Field(<dagster._config.source.StringSourceType object at 0x7fd722fc0150>, default=@, is_required=False), 'dagster_home': Field(<dagster._config.source.StringSourceType object at 0x7fd722fc0150>, default=/opt/dagster/dagster_home, is_required=False), 'load_incluster_config': Field(<dagster._config.config_type.Bool object at 0x7fd7230a9910>, default=True, is_required=False), 'kubeconfig_file': Field(<dagster._config.config_type.Noneable object at 0x7fd71c606910>, default=None, is_required=False), 'fail_pod_on_run_failure': Field(<dagster._config.config_type.Bool object at 0x7fd7230a9910>, default=@, is_required=False), 'job_namespace': Field(<dagster._config.source.StringSourceType object at 0x7fd722fc0150>, default=default, is_required=False)}.
    Error 1: Received unexpected config entry "run_k8s_config" at the root. Expected: "{ dagster_home?: (String | { env: String }) env_config_maps?: [(String | { env: String })]? env_secrets?: [(String | { env: String })]? env_vars?: [String]? fail_pod_on_run_failure?: Bool image_pull_policy?: (String | { env: String })? image_pull_secrets?: [{ name: (String | { env: String }) }]? instance_config_map: (String | { env: String }) job_image?: (String | { env: String })? job_namespace?: (String | { env: String }) kubeconfig_file?: String? labels?: { } load_incluster_config?: Bool postgres_password_secret?: (String | { env: String }) resources?: { limits?: { } requests?: { } }? scheduler_name?: (String | { env: String })? service_account_name?: (String | { env: String })? volume_mounts?: [{ mount_path?: (String | { env: String }) mount_propagation?: (String | { env: String }) name: (String | { env: String }) read_only?: (Bool | { env: String }) sub_path?: (String | { env: String }) sub_path_expr?: (String | { env: String }) }] volumes?: [{ name: String }] }".
Hi Derek - run_k8s_config was added in a fairly recent version of dagster, you may need to upgrade the version that your user code deployment is using in order to use it
We have both dagster and code deployments running with 1.1.8 which seems like the correct versioning
Can you share the full stack of the error that you’re seeing / where exactly you’re seeing it?
actually just found out there's a misalignment in our deployment, the version of our deployment is up to date but our imports arent, that could be the solution
that turned out to be the issue, facepalm thanks Daniel!
condagster 1