Hello team, We are facing sqlalchemy issue while w...
# ask-community
Hello team, We are facing sqlalchemy issue while we are using Dagster through helm install. Can someone help how to limit sqlalchemy version when we use Dagster through helm? Thanks!
Hi! Which dagster version are you installing?
We released 1.1.14 just now. It included the pin to sqlalchemy which I believe should address the issue you’re facing.
Thanks for the fast response! Yeah we added newest ver, dagster==1.1.14 to be installed through Docker (and checked the version on the image) then deploy for using in Dagster, but having no luck yet..
Hi wonjae, where exactly are you seeing the error?
Is it possible to share a stack trace?
Hey Daniel - not a huge deal as I’ll just roll back, but I updated to 1.1.14 and I’m seeing the same stack trace as earlier:
Copy code
sqlalchemy.exc.ArgumentError: Column expression, FROM clause, or other columns clause element expected, got [Column('run_body', Text(), table=<runs>), Column('status', String(length=63), table=<runs>)]. Did you mean to say select(Column('run_body', Text(), table=<runs>), Column('status', String(length=63), table=<runs>))?
Which pod or UI is that error appearing in dusty?
Might depend on what exactly the steps were to update to 1.1.14
but i just checked and i'm pretty sure the image that the helm chart is using has sqlalchemy 1.4.46 rather than sqlalchemy 2 installed
the fact that two people have reported this now definitely has my attention though, curious to get to the bottom of this
This log/stack trace is from the dagster-run k8s pod that gets started at the beginning of the DAG run (it throws that error but stays in a
Hmmm any chance you could share the Dockerfile for that image? That would be an image that you provide right?
Yea, and it’s built using poetry for dependency management. On 1.1.13, i was able to fix it by pinning sqlalchemy to 1.4.46
Not sure I’ll have the time now, but in a bit I can remove sqlalchemy from the
(which is pinned at 1.4.46), and let it build based on the dependancies
Very strange - I’m pretty confident the sqlalchemy pin is correct in 1.1.14, not sure why poetry wouldn’t respect that
Let me start over. I’ll remove SQLALchemy from the poetry toml, make sure my other dependancies are updated and go from there (keeping Dagster Helm Chart at 1.1.14, as well)
Ok - just ran through the above
And I might have spoken too soon yesterday - I thought I had updated the Dagster dependency to 1.1.14 but it just appeared up in the update I ran.
Currently deploying to our dev environment
Kicking off a run
And it’s working 🙃
Sorry for the false alarm
No worries!