Hi! Could you suggest me something? I’ve tried to ...
# ask-community
Hi! Could you suggest me something? I’ve tried to figure out by myslf, but didn’t find any suittable example yet. I need to have some op or asset so that I can load many files from list or urls in parallel. So do load_url in rapallel and set maximum parallel processes. I run whole this in Dicker.
Copy code
def load_url(url):
  text = download_url(url)

def load_urls(urls: list[str]):
  [load_url(url) for url in urls]
You can write a dynamic graph for this use case. Here’s an example: https://docs.dagster.io/concepts/ops-jobs-graphs/dynamic-graphs#a-dynamic-job
great, thank you!
I see it runs each op in separate process. Is there some possibility to run in parallel threads?