I am trying to setup an ECS pipeline with a couple...
# deployment-ecs
I am trying to setup an ECS pipeline with a couple of linear jobs. Some of these jobs need to run on FARGATE and some of them are in EC2. Curious, if this is something supported by default? I figured I cannot override the
through @job decorator. I can define it in the
but as far as I understand we cannot provide multiple run_launcher settings through it. Anyone have any experience with this? TLDR; Can we use different ECS launch types for different `@job`s within the same definition?
you can specify task_arn via
task, and specify
in corresponding task definition
hmm, sorry, nope, its not the task_definition_arn
it just a computed arn of the task itself 😕
Yeah I fell for that as well 😄
so probably the answer would be "no") you could only achieve this with a separate code locations
The answer is currently no - if this would be useful for you would it be possible to file a feature request? Would probably involve adding some kind of tag functionality on individual jobs that let you customize the run_task arguments
Can do a feature request 👍 I am wondering if there is a problem with my understanding of
. To elaborate, here is a simple graph of what I am trying to put together.
Copy code
S3 file sensor ---> asset 1: CPU bound ---> asset 2: GPU bound ---> uploads result to S3
and I am thinking each of these asset steps as separate jobs that I want to run on different ECS resources
would love to know if there is more idiomatic way of doing this
If it would be more natural to express those as ops in the same job then this other feature request may be relevant as well (an executor that lets you run each op/asset in its own ECS task): https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/issues/9671
The ECS integration is a bit behind the k8s integration in terms of customizability features like these currently
We do support setting different resource requirements for jobs in ECS, but we don't yet support varying fargate vs. EC2
I understand. I saw the memory/cpu bits. launchType is somewhat of a relaxed requirement but we need a GPU setting at the very minimum. In that case, I will open a discussion with my team about potentially going for k8s version
We also support setting task overrides for a particular job via tags: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/APIReference/API_TaskOverride.html (but Ec2 isn't in that list unfortunately)