Hello, I have a question about running Great Expec...
# ask-community
Hello, I have a question about running Great Expectations (GE) with Dagster. Is it possible to run GE checkpoints with Dagster? If yes, could you share some examples. Also question about this issue: Dagster doesn't support v3 Great Expectations . Do you plan to update to V3?
Hi Ruslan, I can answer at least the second question. I think there might be rudimentary support for GE V3: https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/blob/27808ac63a2abf2af389029daaabde59fc4c0d98/python_modules/libraries/dagster-ge/dagster_ge/factory.py#L131 Seems like the methods also have a version e.g.
that might work for you.