Hi Everyone, I am using the Dagster with Azure Blo...
# ask-community
Hi Everyone, I am using the Dagster with Azure Blob storage but unable to save data in containers, can someone help me with the utility to use it with some lines of sample codes. • The file we save is PDF from internet. • If possible and available, where can I find the existing thread in community regarding for any such help. Thanks
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You might find this example helpful:
Copy code
from argus.dagster.adls2 import adls2_resource
from azure.storage.blob import BlobServiceClient
from dagster import Definitions, OpExecutionContext, asset

def example(context: OpExecutionContext):
    client: BlobServiceClient = context.resources.adls2.blob_client
    container = client.create_container("test")
    container.upload_blob("myfile.pdf", data=...)

defs = Definitions(assets=[example], resources={"adls2": adls2_resource.configured({...})})
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