Is there a way to stop the execution of new runs? ...
# ask-community
Is there a way to stop the execution of new runs? I have a Q of 2000 and I want the currently running to finish and no new ones to start
Also: killing a dagster instance started with
dagster dev
leaves a lot of processes left over (I kill it with ctrl+c).
Hey Tobias - which processes are getting left over, and what operating system are you running
dagster dev
We don't currently have a way to stop new runs from being enqueued (other than turning off any schedules and sensors that are launching runs, which can be done from the Dagster UI)
Hi Daniel, it's a linux (ubuntu 20.04). I don't know which exactly, but they are executing runs. Stopping from being enqueued is not needed, stopping from being run would be good. Or have an easy way to clean up the Q.
do you have the name of the command that the hanging processes are running? (Maybe
dagster api grpc
?) The intention is that dagster dev cleans up after itself while the process is being terminated
Do the processes clean themselves up once the run that they're executing is finished?
sry for the late response
its dagster api grpc. If I quit the main process, it will terminate and leave several processes left over. some of them are runs that finish and quit afterwards and ~6 or so are left over, one of them being dagster dev grpc, I already have
pgrep -alf dagster
in a file somewhere, but I am on vacation now
until thursday