Do Dagster as an option where I can configure an a...
# ask-community
Do Dagster as an option where I can configure an asset that do INSERT ONLY without any partitions? The default behavior is to Delete and Recreate the table, but I would love to just insert the new rows on each runs, but without having to configure any partition. (Same question for UPSERT) I know we can configure the asset to not return anything, and then in the function I could insert the data directly in the table I want. But I was wondering if there was an option for that if I use an asset that return a set of rows.
I’m not sure if any out of the box IO Managers can be configured for that, but you can always write your own custom IO Manager with this specific logic.
Right. It was a Snowflake specific question. (Sorry forgot to add that to the question). Pretty sure there’s not option for that right… 😞 THank you 🙂
You could probably get away by just duplicating the logic from the project_fully_featured and removing the line that calls the cleanup.[…]t_fully_featured_v2_resources/resources/
The out-of-the-box IO managers don't currently support this. If you submit a Github issue, we might be able to add support at some point
🌈 1
Decided to use the default behavior of Dagster assets but I’ve added a dump timestamp field with a default dates of 1970-01-01 and use that as my
. Works well for my usecase. Thank you all again.
If working with actual SQL tables DBT's "incremental" mode would do what you want but I guess you are not looking to use it..