What is the path to setting optional config fields...
# dagster-feedback
What is the path to setting optional config fields in the new Config class? My instinct was to set a
default but that still results in a requirement to specify a string.
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from dagster import Config, asset, RunConfig, materialize

class AssetConfig(Config):
    name: str = "stephen"
    optional_adverb: str = None

def foo(config: AssetConfig) -> str:
    msg = f"{config.name} is {config.optional_adverb} cool."
    return msg

# these should be valid configs
materialize([foo], run_config=RunConfig({"foo": AssetConfig(optional_adverb="really")}))
materialize([foo], run_config=RunConfig({"foo": AssetConfig()}))
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Error 1: Value at path root:ops:foo:config:optional_adverb must not be None. Expected "(String | { env: String })"
🤖 1
If it's based on Pydantic, maybe `
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from typing import Optional
class AssetConfig(Config):
    optional_adverb: Optional[str]
I think what Chris said works but I haven’t used it on my end; I do have a few cases using
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class MyConfig(Config):
    my_required_config: str = Field(..., description="Some description")
    my_optional_config: str = Field(None, description="Some other description")
Does that work in your case @Vinnie, when you pass a RunConfig that uses the None default? I'm not seeing either of those approaches work for some reason.
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from dagster import Config, asset, RunConfig, materialize

from typing import Optional
from pydantic import Field

class AssetConfig(Config):
    name: str = "stephen"
    optional_adverb: str = Field(None)

def foo(config: AssetConfig) -> str:
    msg = f"{config.name} is {config.optional_adverb} cool."
    return msg

# these should be valid configs
materialize([foo], run_config=RunConfig({"foo": AssetConfig()}))
Ah, I haven’t tested this specifically since I usually preconfigure with
to be able to materialize without supplying extra config
👍 1
Hi Stephen, thanks for calling this out! It looks like a bug with our
adapter’s conversion to the underlying Dagster config
❤️ 1
https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/pull/12933 should fix, which we’ll roll out with this week’s release
🙌 1
🌈 1
thanks ben!