There is any way of accesing the asset materializa...
# ask-community
There is any way of accesing the asset materialization output inside an
?? I have this code that allows me to access the metadata, but I don't know how to access the output itself (the dataframe returned by the asset):
Copy code
def foo():
    return Output(
        pd.DataFrame({'data1': ['A', 'B'], 'data2': ['AA', 'BB']}),
        metadata={'meta1': 1, 'meta2': 2}

@asset_sensor(asset_key=AssetKey("foo"), job=my_job)
def my_asset_sensor(context: SensorEvaluationContext, asset_event: EventLogEntry):
    asset_materialization = asset_event.dagster_event.event_specific_data.materialization
    metadata = {entry.label: entry.entry_data for entry in asset_materialization.metadata_entries}
I want to return a
for each row in the dataframe returned by
hey @Rubén Briones accessing the output value of an asset in a sensor isn’t a use case i’ve seen before, and in general i don’t think it’s something we recommend/support. What are you trying to accomplish? there might be another way to achieve the same thing
Hi Jamie, each day we receive a
with a list of items (rows are items, and columns are their characteristics), and we have model that as an
. And now we want to run an asset/job/op that for each row of the dataframe check if this product exists in our DDBB, and if not create it (insert new row in DDBB items table).
Not to hijack but this seems like a textbook use case for dynamic partitions. I’d probably model each row as a dynamic partition and then you can kick off separate runs
Ok based on that, here’s my idea for what you might do: 1. have a daily partitioned asset for the dataframe you receive each day. If you need to do work to fetch the dataframe, you could do that in the asset itself, but if the dataframe just “appears” in some external storage then you could model this as an observable source asset instead. 2. Have a downstream asset (also daily partitioned) that depends on the asset from 1. This asset will do the analysis, create DB entries, etc. 3. Use the asset reconciliation sensor to monitor both of these assets. Any time the asset from 1 is updated, it will automatically kick off a run of the asset from 2 relevant docs: