Is there an example of using AWS Secrets Manager t...
# ask-ai
Is there an example of using AWS Secrets Manager to power Resources (such as Snowflake connections), assets, etc?
Yes, the documentation provides examples of how to use AWS Secrets Manager with Dagster. Here's an example of using the Secrets Manager to power a resource:
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python from dagster import build_op_context, job, op from dagster_aws.secretsmanager import SecretsManagerResource  @op def example_secretsmanager_op(secretsmanager: SecretsManagerResource):     return secretsmanager.get_client().get_secret_value(         SecretId='arn:aws:secretsmanager:region:aws_account_id:secret:appauthexample-AbCdEf'     )  @job def example_job():     example_secretsmanager_op()  defs = Definitions(     jobs=[example_job],     resources={         'secretsmanager': SecretsManagerResource(             region_name='us-west-1'         )     } )
In this example, the
is used to fetch a secret from AWS Secrets Manager, which can then be used within an operation (
) to retrieve the secret's value. The
operation takes the
resource as an argument and uses it to get the value of the secret specified by its ARN. Additionally, the documentation provides an example of how to configure the Secrets Manager resource to fetch secrets and optionally set them as environment variables:
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python from dagster import build_op_context, job, op from dagster_aws.secretsmanager import secretsmanager_secrets_resource  @op(required_resource_keys={'secrets'}) def example_secretsmanager_secrets_op(context):     return context.resources.secrets.get("my-secret-name")  @op(required_resource_keys={'secrets'}) def example_secretsmanager_secrets_op_2(context):     return os.getenv("my-other-secret-name")  @job(resource_defs={'secrets': secretsmanager_secrets_resource}) def example_job():     example_secretsmanager_secrets_op()     example_secretsmanager_secrets_op_2()  example_job.execute_in_process(     run_config={         'resources': {             'secrets': {                 'config': {                     'region_name': 'us-west-1',                     'secrets_tag': 'dagster',                     'add_to_environment': True,                 }             }         }     } )
In this example, the
is configured to fetch secrets tagged with 'dagster' and add them to the environment. The operations
demonstrate how to access these secrets within the job. These examples show how to integrate AWS Secrets Manager with Dagster resources and operations. You can adapt these examples to power other resources, such as Snowflake connections, by retrieving the necessary credentials from Secrets Manager and using them to configure your resources.
Give me an example with SnowflakeResource @Scout
Certainly! To use AWS Secrets Manager for managing Snowflake credentials and powering a
in Dagster, you would first retrieve the necessary credentials (like account, user, password, etc.) from Secrets Manager and then use them to configure the
. Below is a conceptual example of how you might do this:
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from dagster import job, op, build_op_context
from dagster_aws.secretsmanager import SecretsManagerResource
from dagster_snowflake import SnowflakeResource

# Define an operation that uses SnowflakeResource
def my_snowflake_op(context):
    # Use the Snowflake connection to perform some query
    context.resources.snowflake.execute_query('SELECT 1')

# Define a job that uses the SnowflakeResource
    "snowflake": SnowflakeResource,
    "secretsmanager": SecretsManagerResource,
def my_snowflake_job():

# In your repository or orchestration code, you would build the context
# and provide the configuration for the SnowflakeResource using secrets from Secrets Manager
def run_my_snowflake_job():
    secretsmanager_resource = SecretsManagerResource(region_name='us-west-1')
    secrets = secretsmanager_resource.get_client().get_secret_value(SecretId='my-snowflake-secret-id')

    # Assuming the secret value is a JSON string with the keys for Snowflake credentials
    snowflake_credentials = json.loads(secrets['SecretString'])

            'resources': {
                'snowflake': {
                    'config': {
                        'account': snowflake_credentials['account'],
                        'user': snowflake_credentials['user'],
                        'password': snowflake_credentials['password'],
                        'database': snowflake_credentials['database'],
                        'schema': snowflake_credentials['schema'],
                        'warehouse': snowflake_credentials['warehouse'],

# Call the function to run the job
In this example,
would be the identifier for a secret stored in AWS Secrets Manager that contains the Snowflake credentials in a JSON format. The
is used to retrieve these credentials, which are then passed to the
configuration within the
when executing the job. Please note that this is a simplified example to illustrate the concept. In a production environment, you would handle secrets and credentials with more care, and you might want to abstract some of this logic into separate functions or modules for better organization and secur
ity practices. Additionally, you would need to ensure that the necessary permissions are set up in AWS IAM for the Secrets Manager to allow Dagster to access the secrets.