I find downstream assets materialization won't run...
# ask-community
I find downstream assets materialization won't run if upstream is skipped. For example, I have asset A->B where B depends on A. I do the following: 1. Materialize A, success. 2. Materialize both A and B, run of A will be skipped (I implemented it myself), then B will not run because its dependency is skipped. How could I make B not skipped in step2? In other words, the behavior I try to achieve is "auto-skip assets that are already materialized when I select to materialize a bunch of assets". Or "I select only one final asset and dagster auto materialize missing dependencies for me".
Hi @William in your case, for step 2 if you just materialized B, it would pull in the latest materialization of A (from step 1) In general, we don’t support the generic “auto-skip assets that are already materialized when I select to materialize a bunch of assets” functionality because there isn’t a good way for us to know if a user wants to re-materialize the already materialized assets, or just materialized the non-materialized assets. However, what you’re describing seems pretty similar to freshness policies. This guide covers setting up freshness policies and a sensor that will automatically materialize assets to keep them fresh, but you could just add freshness policies to your assets and then dagit will show a “materialize stale” button that you can use to just materialize assets that are not considered fresh
there isn’t a good way for us to know if a user wants to re-materialize the already materialized assets, or just materialized the non-materialized assets.
This makes sense to me, thanks. I’ll take a look at fresh policy tmr